Monday, March 28, 2005

Field Trip to Mount Vernon

We visited Mt. Vernon this last Friday. We loved our tour through the house, we learned lots of interesting things, but it was also warm and dry in there. :)

We didn't stay in the gardens long because of the weather, but I would love to go back when everything is in bloom. Even as it was it was quite lovely.

I think one of the highlights for all of us was watching the lambs at the stables.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Quilt Block #8

Flower Culture

William and Beth have planted some seeds and are responsible for their watering, feeding etc. Beth's have just begun to sprout, and William's probably will be any day now. They will be journaling the progress of their plants in their Pathfinder blogs with the topic "Flower Culture #6."

William's Pathfinder Blog
Beth's Wildlife Journal

Quilt Blocks 6 & 7

Block #6

Block #7